The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) actively participated in the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) yesterday, showcasing the nation’s commitment to preparing for natural calamities.
Organized by the Office of Civil Defense, the 3rd Quarter NSED took place at 2:00 PM, engaging participants across the country. Among the CAAP-operated airports that took part were Laoag International Airport, Tuguegarao Airport, Bicol International Airport, Tacloban Airport, and Bohol-Panglao International Airport, among others.
The primary objective of this quarterly drill is to train and prepare personnel, as well as stakeholders, for the potential occurrence of earthquakes, highlighting both their certainty and unpredictability. Another significant aim of the NSED is to underscore the readiness of the Filipino populace should a 7.2 magnitude earthquake strike.
It’s crucial to note that while earthquakes cannot be prevented, readiness and proper training can play pivotal roles in reducing casualties and damages. As the Philippines is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, it’s susceptible to seismic activities, making drills such as the NSED imperative for public safety.
With various sectors like CAAP joining the drill, it signifies a unified national effort in prioritizing safety and disaster preparedness. The active participation of key agencies ensures that, in times of crises, a well-coordinated response can be mobilized swiftly to protect and aid the public.
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